The concept of Maths Eyes was developed by Terry Maguire as part of her research on mathematics education. Her focus was on developing the mathematics education of adult maths tutors in Ireland. This research led her to the realisation that many people struggle to see the maths in their everyday lives and often do not appreciate the maths they use regularly. As a result, she developed the idea of developing ‘Maths Eyes’ to help individuals understand the maths that surrounds them and to use this understanding in their daily lives.
Maguire, T., 2003. Engendering Numeracy in Adults Mathematics Education with a focus on tutors: A grounded Approach. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Limerick, Ireland
Maguire, T. 2006 Engendering Numeracy in Adults Mathematics Education with a Focus on Tutors: A Grounded Approach’ In: From the inside out: emerging perspectives in adult and further education in Ireland, N. Colleran (ed.) Nenagh: Tipperary (NR) VEC, 218-235. ISBN 0 95527170 0 3
Maguire, T., Smith, A.M. (2018). Maths Eyes—A Concept with Potential to Support Adult Lifelong Mathematics Education. In: Safford-Ramus, K., Maaß, J., Süss-Stepancik, E. (eds) Contemporary Research in Adult and Lifelong Learning of Mathematics. ICME-13 Monographs. Springer, Cham.
O Sullivan, C. Maguire T., Robinson P. 2012, “Building Mathematical Competence – A Community Approach”. Proceedings of Mathematical Education of Engineers: 16th SEFI (Mathematics Working Group).