Maths Eyes Digital Badges
The Maths Eyes team is delighted to offer all those who support the Maths Eyes project an opportunity to gain a number of digital badges that provide recognition of your commitment to developing Maths Eyes.
How to Claim your badge
Individual badge
There is one badge that may be obtained by an individual:
“I have Maths Eyes” badge: This badge will be issued automatically to all those who have submitted entries to the Maths Eyes poster or project competition annually.
Group badges
School/Adult Education Centre/Community Groups can receive a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum badge if they meet the following criteria:
Bronze Badge: A Maths Eyes event or initiative is organised and completed by at least one class or group in the School/Adult Education Centre/Community.
Silver Badge: A Maths eyes event is competed by more than one class/group PLUS one of the events must involves parents/community.
Gold Badge: A Maths eyes event is competed by more than one class/group PLUS one of the events must involves parents/community. PLUS you must submit a showcase of your Maths Eyes initiative and share resources/images that have been developed under CC-BY licence so that they can be used by others.
Platinum Badge: This badge is awarded to all School/Adult Education Centre/Community Groups who have claimed 3 gold badges in successive years.